FAQ > Managing Property Owners
How can I edit an Owner Draw or Owner Contribution?
You can edit an owner draw or owner contribution by following these steps:
1. Click on the ‘Owners’ tab of the left of the page.
2. Click the ‘View Owner Balance History’ link on the owner’s page.
3. Select the owner name from the dropdown list.
4. The selected owner’s balance history table will appear.
5. To edit owner draw: Expand the owner draws row by clicking on the row and then click on the draw amount you wish to edit.
6. ‘Edit owner draw’ popup appears.
7. Edit the owner draw amount in the amount field and click the ‘Save’ button.
(To delete an owner draw transaction click on ‘X’ symbol next to ‘Details’ link and click the ‘Save’ button.)
8. You will see the edited amount on owner’s balance history page in the ‘Owner Draws’ row.
9. To edit owner contribution: Expand the owner contributions row by clicking on the row and then click on the contribution amount you wish to edit.
To edit the owner contribution amount, follow steps 6 through 9 above, except in the owner balance history table use the owner contribution row instead of owner draw row.